26 January 2023
Research seminar “Investigating the Dynamics of Women Admission to Information Technology Degrees in Russian Universities” will take place on January 26, 2023, 18:00 – 19:00 in English online. Meeting ID: 346 417 757 578 Passcode: rzJspt
Women remain strikingly underrepresented in jobs related to engineering and technology; besides, in the US and Europe during several past years the shares of women in technology degrees have generally been showing either decline, or stagnation, or negligible growth. The reluctance of women to pursue engineering and technology degrees finds a variety of explanations, from the lack of interest to the unwillingness to study in a male-dominated culture. Some countries set specific measures to attain women to pursue degrees in engineering and technology and specifically monitor women’s admission to ICT degrees at the universities. Others, like Russia, focus mostly on the overall student population admitted to ICT degrees but do not monitor student population gender-wise. The aim of this research effort was to collect and analyze the data on women’s admission in undergraduate ICT programs in Russia. The contribution of this study is that no data on women’s enrollment to ICT degrees in Russia has been publicly available before. Nine universities in Russia, educating over 10k students per year in ICT degree programs (1/3 of overall ICT students in Russia), provided these data on women’s enrollment in ICT degree programs for several past years, mostly from 2011 to 2021. Based on the analysis and comparison of the data for Russia with similar data for other countries in Europe, USA and Asia, the overall trend of women’s admission to ICT majors in Russia is currently aligned with the US and Europe trends. We have observed some fluctuations depending on the geographical location of the universities.
18:00 – 18:10 – opening speech
18:10 – 18:45 – presentation by Oksana Zhirosh, Tatiana Stanko, topic: “Investigating the Dynamics of Women Admission to Information Technology Degrees in Russian Universities”
18:45 – 18:55 – discussion
18:55 – 19:00 – Closing remarks: announcements of the next workshops
Oksana Zhirosh, Innopolis University (Russia), Tatiana Stanko, Senior Lecturer, Department of Operations Management.
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