The topic is devoted to the formulation of the scientific principles of building the ESG rating, taking into account the world experience in the implementation of such ratings, as well as existing research in scientific journals. The ESG quality rating is relevant for modern business, as investors are increasingly paying attention not to traditional financial indicators (for example, stock returns or operating profit), but to environmental and social indicators of the company's activities. Nevertheless, the methodologies for building ESG ratings are associated with solving several complex methodological problems that require systematic solutions, and which we will discuss at our seminar.
15:00 – 15:10 – opening speech
15:10 – 16:30 – presentation by Maxim Storchevoy, topic:: «ESG Ratings: in search of the ideal»
16:30 – 17:00 – discussion
Maxim Storchevoy
Associate Professor HSE Campus in St. Petersburg, member Russian Business Ethics Network
Fedor A. Gomazov
Chief Specialist of the Department of Research Statistics and Planning of SPbU
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