We welcome you to participate in the online Joint Symposium organised by GEM&L, an international research group on management and language (https://geml.eu/), and GSOM SPbU to discuss an urgent topic of how to bridge research and teaching in the field of “Language-sensitive International Business”.
Over the last three decades, there has been a growing interest in language-sensitive studies. For language-sensitive IB scholars, the traditional view of language as merely representing reality has changed to become one of language as constructing reality.
The implications of language-sensitive research for management education have been explored, leading to a call for greater attention to language issues in the curricula of business schools. In the light of the language-sensitive research, the symposium aims to address the following topics:
“Training business school and university students for global workplaces. Educational experiences and expectations from the corporate world”.
“Language-sensitive research and teaching: A dialogue across multiple boundaries”
Questions to be discussed (but not limited to):
What language educators in business schools can learn from global businesses?
What are the language issues faced by organisations in their international development?
What are language-related needs of modern business?
Why promote language diversity in business education?
To what extent is language-sensitive research impacting management teaching and learning?
How can we translate language-sensitive research outcomes into teaching agenda?
What language-sensitive research outcomes need to be incorporated in the language curricula for business schools?
Claudine Gaibrois is Lecturer in Culture, Society and Language at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences and an External Lecturer on Managing Multilingual Companies at St. Gallen University and at EM Strasbourg Business School. She received her PhD from St. Gallen University for her thesis on the discursive construction of power relations in multilingual organisations. Her research interests include linguistic and cultural diversity, communication in organisational contexts, intercultural communication and power relations. Her work has been published in journals such as the Journal of World Business , the International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management and the European Journal of International Management . Claudine Gaibrois has conceived and taught lectures on the management of language diversity in different educational contexts and in different formats. She is a board member of the GEM&L (Groupe d’Etudes Management et Langage) and has joined its scientific committee.
Terry Mughan is Associate Professor of International Business at Royal Roads, University, Canada and formerly Professor of International Management at Anglia Ruskin University, UK. He has conducted numerous studies of business internationalisation for, among others, the OECD, the European Commission and UK Trade and Investment. His fi rst degree was in foreign languages and they have always featured as an important variable alongside culture, strategy and practice in his inquiries. In recent years he has been developing innovative approaches to language in business centring on a language-general approach for non-specialist linguists.
"On qualifying as a secondary school teacher after working in tourism, my full-time career in education started as a lecturer in French and German. Through teaching French in-house to local companies, I became fascinated by the place of language and cultural competence in their exporting activities. I became heavily involved in local training and policy initiatives in Cambridge and was asked by the regional development agency to carry out a large-scale study (CEIM). I moved into the Business SchooI to set up a team to investigate business internationalisation and intercultural competence in companies. In 2001 I designed the first Intercultural Masters program in the UK at Anglia Ruskin University and founded the UK limb of the the Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research (SIETAR). Further studies for the UK government, The European Commission and the OECD followed. I was awarded a university professorship in 2006. I moved to North America in 2012 and am now living in Portland, Oregon. I am currently leading a 11 country, 18 partner research project looking at the international student experience (ISE)".
Rebecca Piekkari is Markus Wallenberg Professor of International Business at the Aalto University, School of Business. She has a long-standing interest in language diversity as a critical management challenge for international organisations and as a methodological challenge for organisational research. Over the years she has taught many multilingual groups of PhD, MSc and BSc students in various programmes around the world. Her work has been published in journals such as the Academy of Management Review , Journal of Management Studies and Journal of International Business Studies as well as in several handbooks in the area. Her current research interests focus on the role of translation and translators in international business. She is a Fellow of the Academy of International Business and European International Business Academy.
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