International conference "Public sector transition: improving quality of management"
The Center for Public Administration Studies (CPAS) of the Research Institute of Management, GSOM, SPbSU and Association for Studies in Public Economics (ASPE) organized the 9th International Conference “Public Sector Transition: Improving Quality of Management” on November 2-3, 2007.
About 90 participants who are representatives of academic institutions, research agencies, analytical centers and state authorities from Russia, France, Serbia, Iran, Germany, Latvia, and Estonia took part in the conference activity.
The conference traditionally covers a broad spectrum of issues related to public sector transition, including:
Tax Policy
Efficient Pubic Expenditures Management
New Public Management
Strategic Management in the Public Sector
Budget Federalism
Municipal and City Management
Management in Social Services Sector
Management and Governance Problems of State-owned Enterprises
E-Government and IT in Public Administration
RF National Priority Projects
Public Sector Performance Measurement
Leading experts in these issues presented their papers during the conference, in particular Konstantin Sonin, Andrei Zaostrovtsev, Sergey Roshchin, Sergey Shishkin, Svetlana Avdasheva, Sergey Kadochnikov.
The 7th Annual Meeting of ASPE was held during the conference period.
Conference program is available to downloadhere (pdf, 187 Kb)
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