Aalto University School of Business (HSE) is the largest and leading business school on Finland. The academic degrees offered by HSE are the Bachelor, Master, Licentiate and Doctor of Science in Economics.
Since the founding of HSE in 1911, more than 20 000 students have graduated from the school into the employ of Finnish and international economic life, 12 100 of them with a Bachelor of Science, 7 700 with a Master of Science, 300 with a Licentiate of Science and 200 with a Doctor of Science.
Aalto University School of Business:
Triple international accreditation
Aalto University School of Business (HSE) was awarded AACSB accreditation on 12 April, 2007. Now also accredited by the AACSB, HSE has been tested by all three international standards organizations that certify business schools. The previous certifications are from the European EQUIS and the Association of MBAs. This third certification, often referred to as the ‘triple crown’ raises HSE into a category shared by only about 20 other universities, such as HEC (Paris), ESADE, RSM Erasmus University, University College Dublin, FGV (S'o Paulo), and Tec de Monterrey EGADE.
Departments of Teaching and Research
Information source: University/School web-site
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