The Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) was founded in 1936 and constitutes the largest concentrated centre for research and study in the fields of economics and business administration in Norway. NHH strives to be amongst the foremost in Europe in its fields, and EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System) accreditation reinforces a strongly held belief that excellence in research is a prerequisite for excellence in teaching.
Through extensive links with various actors in both public and private sectors, skills and knowledge in the fields of management and economics are shared with both the business community and public institutions and organizations. Agreements with several major Norwegian businesses provide the opportunity for NHH to develop the knowledge and competence that is needed and desired by both business and society as a whole.
Partnerships and joint ventures with leading institutions overseas give NHH an international profile that extends the school's network and activities right across the globe.
The school has around 350 members employees. Of the 213 academic members of staff, 155 are professors (51 professors, 35 adjunct professors, 57 associate professors and 14 assistant professors) and 56 are research scholars (6 of whom are post-doctorial researchers). The vast majority of the academic staff hold PhDs and the faculty includes the Nobel Prize winner Professor Finn E. Kydland.
The school sets out to recruit only the best students and currently has over 2,700 students across the wide spectrum of Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, Executive MBA and PhD programmes.
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