The Graduate School of Engineering is the largest Graduate School at the University of Tokyo with almost a third of the overseas students studying at the University. Full and continuous support for overseas students is important, as is the further internationalization of Japanese students. At the Graduate School of Engineering, the concept of further internationalization in education and research, and specific policies based on it, are continuously scrutinized, and great effort is devoted to the enrichment of overseas student education and the expansion of international research exchange.
The Department of Technology Management for Innovation in particular needs forward-thinking people with leadership and a broad education of advanced science and technology, as well as knowledge in business education and economics. It educates core leaders able to demonstrate strategic imagination—in other words, people with big aspirations and a strong sense of responsibility and ethics who can create new industrial innovation and a sustainable industrial society from many different perspectives utilizing science and technology. It welcomes students who are willing to learn about technology and management from a different perspective. It would like to encourage them to aspire to become central figures in industry and government in the drive for innovation.
The courses are provided by experts with business, government and academic experience, allowing students to study in one of the technological powerhouses of Asia.
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