International negotiations during the Second World War. 70 years later (05.2015)
The new thematic exhibition is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Second World War end. Collection reflects one of the most interesting aspects of the war period - political conferences and meetings of world leaders. The outcomes of negotiations and decisions were the fate and future of nations.
Articles, speeches, memoirs, chronicles and photographs are illustrating the most significant moments of the Second World War and reflecting the diplomatic negotiations problems and the historical significance of military pacts. Personal memoirs and correspondence of Churchill, Stalin, Hitler, Roosevelt and other politicians, the memories of witnesses, evidences of contemporaries (from officers to the ordinary soldiers) are creating the most complete picture of the difficult road to victory and peace during the Second World War.
Юбилейная тематическая выставка посвящена 70-летию со дня окончания Второй Мировой войны. Коллекция представленных материалов отражает один из наиболее интересных аспектов военного времени – политические конференции и встречи мировых лидеров, от исхода переговоров и решений которых зависели судьбы народов. Публицистика, мемуары, воспоминания, хроники и фотографии, иллюстрирующие наиболее значительные моменты Второй Мировой войны, отражают проблематику дипломатических переговоров, историческое значение пактов о сотрудничестве. Личные воспоминания, мемуары и переписка Черчилля, Сталина, Гитлера, Рузвельта и других политических деятелей, воспоминания очевидцев, свидетельства современников – от офицерского состава до простых солдат – создают наиболее полную картину трудной дороги к Победе и заключению мира в течение Второй Мировой войны.
Managerial skills (12.2014)
The exhibition offers a variety of excellent books on the topic “Managerial skills”. Suggested editions cover a wide range of issues, including business writing, team management and self-development. The issues serve to develop the robust skills that might be helpful for young professionals in a number of typical business challenges in his/her early career. The readers will learn how to adapt more easily, erase shortcomings, collaborate successfully and become far more valuable for the organization.
Modern Banking (10.2014)
The exhibition was prepared to support the Customized Program Training of Professionals in Banking & Investment field – VTB Group - held at GSOM in November 2014. The exhibition includes books on various issues of modern banking, investment policy, the nature of financial crisis, financial intermediation and global economy. Books in English and Russian presented on this exhibition show a variety of new trends in banking sector, influence of globalization on financial performance and also give insights into improving efficiency of banks and avoiding different types of crisis.
New Product Management (10.2013)
Providing a new product to the market is a demanding challenge of contemporary business. Promotion of a new product is always a risk. Therefore, any new product must undergo through preparation for a successful existence. The books selected for this exhibition provide comprehensive information about the essentials of new product management.
Mergers & Acquisitions (09.2013)
The books from this collection provide crucial guidance on M&A’s in theory and practice, including such issues as preparing for and initiating the deal, regulatory considerations, deal structure, valuation and pricing. The great attention is given to one of the most difficult aspects of mergers and acquisitions - the integration of corporate cultures and human capital. Some specific aspects of M&A deals in Russia, Europe and Asia are also considered.
Logistics & Supply chain management (04.2013)
Exhibition was timed to the International Conference “Current Issues of Research and Training of Professionals in Logistics and Supply Chain Management” held at GSOM in January 2013. The Conference was organized by Deutsche Bahn and Russian Railways Center for International Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Books presented on this exhibition cover the impact of logistics on business performance and show how to increase this performance creating an efficient supply chain.
Management Gurus. Visits to GSOM (02.2013)
The exhibition was prepared as a part of celebratory program devoted to Graduate School of Management 20th anniversary. The School regularly hosts prestigious conferences and students have an opportunity to visit lectures provided by famous scientists in the field of management. GSOM library has a large-scale fund of literature written by world’s acknowledged management gurus.
Dynamic capabilities, and the sustainable competitiveness of firms and nations (12.2012)
Exhibition is timed to the XIVInternational Research Conference “Public Sector Transition” held since 1995 within the framework of joint projects of St. Petersburg University and Stockholm University CPAS and SPIDER-Public Economics and then as the Association for Studies in Public Economics Conference. The exhibition’s collection reflects the key conference themes including strategic management in the public sector, modernization of management systems in public education and public health service, management of public enterprises and budgetary institutions, public sector policy issues and public sector procurement issues.
Leadership in contemporary business environment (10.2012)
The insightful and motivating books presented on “Leadership in contemporary business environment” exhibition discover how to make real connections with people, and become an effective leader who makes things happen in the real world. They provide readers with an innovative approach to learning leadership skills, merging theory with practice to enable a better understanding of this complex and significant subject.
Game theory and management (08.2012)
Exhibition is timed to the “VI International Conference on Game Theory and Management - GTM 2012” held at GSOM SPSU annually since 2007. Books presented on this exhibition cover the main theory, techniques and give particular emphasis to the modern aspects of game theory. Exhibition also includes collected papers presented on GTM conferences from 2007 to 2012.
Start up your own business (06.2012)
The virtual exhibition “Start up your own business: secrets to startup success” offers a variety of books about the actual process of getting a new venture started, growing the venture, successfully harvesting it, and starting again. The authors consider important issues in new ventures research such as technology commercialization, management team development, and influence of equity funding.
The books presented on “Academic writing” exhibition offer complete, up-to-date guidance and discussion on all aspects of successful academic writing. Selected publications offer ideas for every stage in the process of completing a master or doctorate: from helping to engage in critical reflection to better understand own research biases, to useful guidelines on preparing for and surviving the viva voce examination. Combining general discussion with practical advice, these books are an essential companion to any research.
On this exhibition bookshelf are placed the books examining multiple dimensions of corporate social responsibility problem. Authors of books pay a great attention not only to theory, but also practice of building responsible businesses. There are detailed descriptions of preparation, verification and spreading of social reports by international and Russian local companies.
This exhibition presents books from GSOM library collection on innovations and economic development. It includes domestic and foreign books covering such questions as innovation economics, organizational innovation, innovation management, high-tech industry management, innovation influence on entrepreneurship and society.
На выставке представлены книги из коллекции Библиотеки, освещающие новые тенденции в области маркетинга и брендинга. Представленные отечественные и зарубежные монографии охватывают широкий круг вопросов: теорию маркетинга, маркетинговые коммуникации, поведение потребителей, психологию потребителей, искусство продаж и искусство создания персонального бренда.
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