8 November 2018
Photo: Jill Watson
Main data |
When: 8 November, 18:30 – 20:00 |
Where: Volkhovskiy per., 3, room 311 |
Language: Russian |
Recommended for: GSOM students, faculty and professional staff |
Requirements: registration required Register on course web page |
About the event |
Modern world is complex and chaotic. In order to cope with non-linearity and reduce stress, John Kabat Zinn from MIT developed a special technique MBSR (Mindfulness-Based-Stress-Reduction). Mindfulness is a widely practiced approach to cope with stress and achieve greater focus in the present moment.
Mindfulness is taught in largest corporations around the globe – from Nike, Google and SAP to Sberbank in Russia. It is also included as a special training discipline in the curriculum of leading universities like Oxford and NYU Business School.
Read “Why Google, Nike, and Apple Love Mindfulness Training, and How You Can Easily Love It Too” >>
We have launched a pilot course at GSOM to introduce students, faculty and professional staff to concepts of mindfulness and cultivate more thoughtful way of living. You can join the course anytime but make sure that you registered and received an approval from the course team. The course is delivered in Russian.
About the speaker |
Ksenia Kolesnikova
Mindfulness Coach
Ksenia has been practicing mediation for more 5 years already. She completed course for mindfulness instructors “Mindspot Mindfulness Instructor Training”, a 3-level program of international society Tergar. She is now at her last year of studies in the Institute for Psychological Consulting “New Century” (St. Petersburg).
Have questions? |
When: 8 November, 18:30 – 20:00
Where: Volkhovskiy per., 3, room 3111
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