10 December 2018
Main data |
When: 10th December, 13:00 – 14:30 Where: GSOM SPbU, city campus, Volkhovskiy per. 3, room 410 Language: English |
Participation: registration required |
About the event |
On December 10, Ilya Larchenko, CIO DOC+ and Alexander Romanenko, Senior Data Scientist, DOC+ will tell students about one of the hottest fields for AI startups — the healthcare.
"We will tell you how ML helps doctors around the world and how we have used ML to develop two of our products: Medical chat-bot / symptom-checker and Quality control system".
DOC+ is the first Russian mobile clinic. Amongst other things it develops, uses and sells AI-based services.
Have questions? |
Academic Director, Master in Business Analytics and Big Data
+7 (921) 420 98 59
When: 10th December, 13:00 – 14:30
Where: GSOM SPbU, city campus, Volkhovskiy per. 3, room 410
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