7 September 2019
Key Data |
When: September 7th 2019, 12:00 Where: GSOM SPbU, "Mikhailovskaya dacha" campus, Sankt Peterburgskoye shosse, 109 Terms of participation: you can register here |
About Event |
GSOM Bumper Day is an annual open-air festival held at “Mikhailovskaya Dacha” campus. During this event you can take part in competitions at different playgrounds, have fun and get to know new people.
This year Bumper Day activities:
You can take part individually, each projectile will have a winner in a personal classification, or participate in a team of five. Fans can bring additional points to the participants by following the standards on any of the sites. The prizes and gifts we have prepared are worth fighting for.
Save the date!
Have Questions? |
Igor A. Veretenin
Students Affairs Department Manager
+7 (812) 323-84-42 ext. 620
When: September 7th 2019, 12:00
Where: GSOM SPbU, "Mikhailovskaya dacha" campus, Sankt Peterburgskoye shosse, 109
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