26 May 2021
When: On May 26, 2021, 12:40 PM
Where: online, the First All-Russian Forum "Happy Cities"
Recommended for: everyone
Working language: Russian
Registration: required.
About event
Ekaterina Sokolova, Academic Director of the Academic Director of the Master in Smart City Management (MSC) will deliver the report on the topic Who Will Build Happy Cities: Training of Experts in Urban Management.
For several years now, the Forum's community has been exploring the topic of happiness in the life of a city and a person in it, discovering and testing new and effective methods and approaches. During the event leading experts from Russia and the world and leaders of urban initiatives will look at the situation from all sides and together with the participants will create a set of recommendations applicable to any city and any conscious citizen.
The purpose of the Forum is to involve leaders from business, society and administrations in creating an environment for a happy life, to interest, give knowledge and connections, show steps, what to do next and create a community, an environment of mutual support for joint movement towards happy cities.
Ekaterina Sokolova, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Public Administration, Academic Director of the Master in Smart City Management (MSC) program at the Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg University.
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