3 June 2021
When: On June 3, 2021, 6:00 PM
Where: online
Recommended for: future and current Master students
Working language: Russian
Registration: required.
About event
On June 3, 2021, a lecture “Data Science in the Bank: Myths and Reality” will be held by Denis Surzhko, Head of the Department of Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms at VTB Bank.
Nowadays, among data science analysts, it is widely believed that the leadership in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence belongs to advanced IT companies, while in the banking sector everything is very long, bureaucratic, and there are no interesting tasks for data scientists. Denis Surzhko is ready to refute these myths and talk about:
Denis Surzhko is the Head of the Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms Department, which is part of the Data Analysis and Modeling Department of VTB Bank. Denis has over 10 years of experience in managing data science teams at major Russian banks, and he began his career in corporate risk management and modeling.
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