4 December 2023
One of the big challenges outlined in the Strategy of the Russian STD and requiring a response in modern realities is the need for effective development of the Arctic territories. Despite the strategic importance of this direction for the country's economy, the development of the northern region seems to be a very difficult task. The Arctic region has a unique mineral resource base. It is here that the largest reserves of nickel, copper, precious, rare and rare earth metals, oil and gas resources, etc. are concentrated. Interest in the development of the Arctic resource potential is increasing as traditional sources of minerals are depleted. At the same time, in addition to system-wide tasks related to geological, climatic, ecological features of the development of the mineral resource base of the Arctic, today we have to solve fundamentally new tasks related to emerging global trends and challenges. Modern conditions of the macroenvironment are associated with a high level of turbulence: new trends and challenges are emerging, the speed and dynamics of changes are increasing, the structural characteristics of global economic systems are changing, the importance of scientific and technological progress is increasing. Modern environmental trends, energy transition, updating of the ESG agenda create especially big challenges for the mineral resource complex, transforming the structure of the energy sector and forming new needs for critically important resources. At the same time, the aggravated geopolitical agenda introduces the need to adapt to new conditions (sanctions, import substitution). In this regard, the question of how to ensure stable and sustainable development of industries, complexes, individual companies and projects in the medium and long term is particularly acute, and the development of sustainable financing can be one of the promising areas.
16:00 – 16:05 – opening speech
16:05 – 16:45 – presentation by Diana Dmitrieva, topic:: «Sustainable financing of the Arctic mineral resources business projects: features of adaptation of the ESG concept»»
16:45 – 17:00 – discussion
Fedor A. Gomazov
Chief Specialist of the Department of Research Statistics and Planning of SPbU
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