19 December 2023
When: December 19, 2023, 16:00-17:30 Where: The seminar will take place at Volkhovsky per., 3, room (403) The seminar format: live format in Russian |
The concept of sustainable development is one of the dominant ones in the 21st century and has an increasingly noticeable transformative effect on many areas of relations. It is embodied in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), National Development Goals, ESG criteria, and practical outlines in infrastructure investment projects of “sustainable development”, “green” and “climate” projects. Public-private partnership (PPP) has proven itself as a tool for attracting private investment, allowing to accelerate the development of public infrastructure, introduce effective technologies, and transfer part of the risks to private investors. The recognition of PPP as one of the mechanisms for achieving the SDGs has made it possible to consider it not only as an investment mechanism, but also as a mechanism with the potential to provide a measurable positive impact on the achievement of environmental and social SDG indicators, the transition to a circular economy. At the same time, this led to a conceptual shift in understanding the goals, results, functions of participants in PPP projects, as well as the conditions for structuring such PPP projects. Understanding and justification of the prerequisites and practical significance of the transformation of models of legal regulation, financing and management of PPP projects in connection with sustainable development formed the basis of scientific and educational projects of the “PPP Research Center” of GSOM St. Petersburg State University.
16:00 – 16:10 – opening speech
16:10 – 17:05 – presentation by Svetlana Maslova, topic:: «Sustainable development and infrastructure investment projects: transformation of models of legal regulation, financing and management»
17:05 – 17:30 – discussion
Fedor A. Gomazov
Chief Specialist of the Department of Research Statistics and Planning of SPbU
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