Electronic resource EBSCO contains 40 408 Company profiles from 250+ countries. Language - English.
Recommended resource for study assignments (search of company profiles).
MarketLine is a leading provider of quality information, including 31,405 Company profiles (also Russian). Company profiles consist of: Facts & Overview, Major Products & Services, Key Employees & Biographies, Location & Subsidiaries, Top Competitors. More than 2,000 Company Profiles have SWOT analyses. When working with search results, sorting by revenue volume (US $) and the number of employees are supported.
Language - English.
Recommended resource for study assignments (search of company profiles).
The Company Profiles service allows creating dossiers for large international companies using more than 100 Lexis-Nexis sources. Language - English.
Recommended resource for study assignments (search of company profiles).
Contains profiles of Russian and foreign companies that carry out trade in the consumer market and manufacture consumer goods.
Documents are available in English, French and German.
Recommended resource for study assignments (search of company profiles).
On the Eikon platform, fundamental and analytical information is available on 40,000 traded companies in the world.
Language - English.
Recommended resource for study assignments (search of company profiles).
On Campus access only.
Complete database on Russian enterprises of all types of ownership (OJSC, CJSC, LLC, and GUP). In the section "Enterprises", complete dossiers are available for more than 6,000,000 Russian companies.
Language - Russian.
Recommended resource for study assignments (search of company profiles).
On Campus access only.
The database of corporate information gives an opportunity to check the reliability and affiliation of companies, assess the scale of their business, creditworthiness, etc. It contains full information on all registered legal entities of Russia and other CIS countries, as well as data analysis tools - scoring, ratings, and financial analysis.
Language - Russian.
Recommended resource for study assignments (search of company profiles).
On Campus access only.
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