Keywords: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, International Economics, Financial Theory, Industrial Organizations, Business Management and Business Economics.
Description: The collection includes periodicals (full texts from journals up to and including 2021 are available) and books on topics such as economics, management, sociology, politics and international relations, law, etc.
The following journals are available on the topic of "management”:
The search on the platform is conducted in a single window. To get search results with the full texts available at St. Petersburg State University, you must check in the box before starting the search «Only search content I have access to». After that, the search results will contain links to articles and books available at St. Petersburg State University with full texts, as well as publicly available on the platform (open access).
Data format: PDF
Archive: Since the first issue of journals
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Language: English
Access point:
To access the resource you should use the ProxyLibrary SPBSU extension. Instructions for installing the extension are available here.
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