Description: LexisNexis Uni includes newspapers, trade journals, wire services and transcripts. It provides Internet access to some of the most popular files of the larger LexisNexis but with easier, forms-based searching.
There are three basic libraries:
LexisNexis® Dossier delivers easy-to-read profiles of nearly 35 million companies worldwide and information on 1,000 industries to your desktop in just seconds. It helps you identify potential new clients, understand a company's brands and trademarks, access detailed financial and recent litigation information, and more.
Data format: HTML
Integrator: LexisNexis, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc.
Subscription period: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022
Language: English
Off-campus access:
Off-campus access to SPbU licensed databases requires SPbU ID and Password (Off-campus Database Access Manual)
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