We, at the Graduate School of Management, believe in international studies experience as an important part of educating a competitive, mobile, culturally flexible potential manager and therefore encourage our students to participate in the exchange program with our International Partners. Exchange programs with international academic partners of Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University are one of the basic competitive advantages of the program.
Through exchange program you gain knowledge of world’s management practices, develop your intercultural interaction skills and build strong international networks. This allows you to find new friends and, moreover, gives an opportunity to acquire professional contacts for future career.
The Graduate School of Management is actively engaged into international students exchange through establishing, developing and maintaining contacts with many international partners. Every semester more than 70 GSOM undergraduate and master students are going on exchange program thanks to these partnerships the number of which is permanently growing.
GSOM International office staff will help all students who are going to study abroad to fill in the required documents, will provide them with information about partner schools, as well as about the steps which should be taken upon the arrival after the exchange semester. Besides that International Office renders assistance for students during the whole exchange program cycle.
Before departure, all students leaving for exchange studies should fill in a specialized application form. An application should be submitted in 1 copy and not later than 2 weeks prior to departure for the exchange semester, provided that the students do not have any academic failure. The paper should be submitted to the International Academic Mobility Office (Volkhovsky per., 3, office 207, Tel.: +7 (812) 323 8447).
A copy of the invitation letter from a host school - partner of GSOM SPbU has to be attached to the application.
Besides the application form a student should fill in Learning agreement and application for credit transfer. All the abovementioned documents have to be signed by the student and approved by the Educational Programs Director.
In case of any changes made in the list of courses during the exchange studies period one should get the approval for new courses at GSOM SPbU by filling in the form of changes to Learning agreement and sending its scanned copy by e-mail (exchange@gsom.spbu.ru) to the International Academic Mobility Office.
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