Professor Yury V. Pashkus (24.10.1939 — 15.06.1996) - Founder and Dean of School of Management (Graduate School of Management since 2007) SPbSU, eminent Russian scholar in finance management.
Yury V. Pashkus was born on October 24, 1939, in Blagoveshchensk, USSR. He graduated with honors from Faculty of Economics, St. Petersburg State University - former Leningrad State University (1969), where successfully completed post-graduate program in Contemporary Capitalism Economics (1971). Since 1971 till 1996 he took positions of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor of Faculty of Economics and Professor of School of Management, St. Petersburg University. He defended his thesis for the Candidate of Science Degree (“Public Regulation of Economy and Industrial Cycle in the Federal Republic of Germany”, 1973) and thesis for the Doctor of Science Degree (“Capitalist Finances and Currency System”, 1984) in Leningrad State University. In 1978-1979 he prolonged research internship in Free University of Berlin (West Germany). Yury V. Pashkus was entitled as Associate Professor in 1976 and as Professor in 1986. He gave lectures on finance, Russian management, business education in Tubingen University, Germany, Seoul National University, Korea, Vaasa University, Finland, Stockholm University, Sweden, Haas School of Business, USA. He is the author of more than 100 research publications including 5 monographs. A number of publications were published abroad.
In 1993-1996 Yury V. Pashkus was the first Dean of School of Management SPbSU. Moreover he founded a number of new departments in St. Petersburg State University - Theory of Credit and Finance Management Department (headed by him in 1991-1993) as a part of Faculty of Economics; Public Administration Department (headed by him in 1994-1996) and Theory of Finance Department (1996) as a part of School of Management.
Since 1996 the traditional Annual Readings in Commemoration of the First Dean of the School of Management SPbSU Y. Pashkus have been held on the last Friday of October. As a rule, the event consists of 1 hour speech devoted to fundamental or applied issues in management and is followed by the discussion. Leading Russian scholars in economics and management have given lectures since then: member of Academy of Sciences V.M. Polterovich, professors B.Z. Milner, V.L. Tambovtsev, A.V. Bukhvalov, S.R. Filonovich, O.A. Tretjak, S.M. Kadochnikov and others.
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