Alina Verbenchuk
MIB – 2015 (CEMS)
GSOM has completely changed my life and became a stepping stone in my career. Before GSOM my education was not connected with business at all – I graduated from Novosibirsk State University with my major being in Oriental Studies. And while I was doing internship in China I realised that knowledge of foreign languages per se is not sufficient for successful international work. This lead me to the thought of entering a business school. When I found out about GSOM I was amazed by the possibility of receiving such a world-class education in Russia. Of special interest for me was a CEMS double degree program and the fact that in Russia (unlike many other countries) you can get CEMS education for free. CEMS is more than a just a combination of classes and block seminars - it is a strong community which includes many business schools, corporate partners, students and alumni all around the globe. For example, here at Google (which is a corporate partner of CEMS) I frequently meet a lot of CEMS alumni. I realise that GSOM made a lot of my dreams come true: I lived and studied in Hong Kong, got a business education, won multiple Russian and international case competitions and got a job at Top-1 employer in the world.
And I immensely thank GSOM for everything that happened!
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