Our experts accept applications and provide advice in the following areas:
Technical support of IT equipment in classrooms and offices of GSOM campuses: city campus on Volkhovskiy per. 3, and the suburban campus "Mikhailovskaya Dacha"
Accounts and licenses GSOM @ gsom.spbu.ru account, mail service and file storage Access to licenses: SPSS, Visio, Project, think-cell, MS Office 365
Methodological support for the use of software
Distance learning with MS Teams
Office applications MS Office 365
You can apply for technical support by calling the hotline or by email. If necessary, a specialist will remotely connect to your computer and conduct a consultation.
If we cannot immediately answer your question, we will pass it on to the experts and will return with an answer as soon as possible.
You can reach us by:
Online educational hotline 8 (800) 222-53-92 (toll free). In English and Russian!
Send an email to support@gsom.spbu.ru
Mon-Fri 9:30-20:00
Sat 9.30-18.00
! Please note that support is provided only for faculty, staff and students of GSOM SPbU. If you need support at another faculty, contact the IT support of SPbU: support@spbu.ru
Teams FAQ
Q: I cannot log into MS Teams / Office 365 under the GSOM account stXXXXXX@gsom.spbu.ru
A: Please contact IT support: support@gsom.spbu.ru
Q: I go to MS Teams, but I am reflected there as a Guest.
A: Please check what account you are logged into MS Teams. Use the GSOM account stXXXXXX@gsom.spbu.ru to log in.
Q: I can log into MS Teams, but there is no group for my discipline
A: Make sure you are using the stXXXXXX@gsom.spbu.ru account. If yes, but your group is not present, please contact the training department.
Q: Everything works, but there is a mistake in the name
A: Please contact IT support: support@gsom.spbu.ru
Q: I want to set a photo, but I don't know how to do it
A: Go to the settings (page 7 in the instructions) and select “Change avatar”. Follow the simple photography requirements: it should be in business style.
Q: I heard that MS Office 365 applications are available for GSOM students for free. How can I use them?
A: Go to the website www.office.com using your GSOM account: You will get access to the online versions of MS Office 365. You can also download MS Office 365 applications on your personal device at www.office.com. You can install applications on 5 devices (computer, laptop, smartphone, tablet.
Q: How do I use think-cell software for data visualization in my presentations?
A: think-cell improves the efficiency and quality of slide creation by automating your work in PowerPoint. With think-cell, you can quickly create standard and complex charts, such as Gantt charts, waterfall charts, and more. Creating, editing graphs and their auxiliary elements takes just a few minutes. More information about think-cell and a training video can be found at www.think-cell.com. In the near future GSOM will provide a free software license.
Q: I have been added to groups in MS Teams, but meeting invitations and other notifications from MS Teams are not coming to my email!
A: All notifications from MS Teams, including meeting invitations, come to the GSOM mail at stXXXXXX@gsom.spbu.ru. It is most convenient to enter and check the GSOM mailbox in the MS Outlook application.
Q: I need to teach a lesson in MS Teams for the first time, I don't know where to start, I need help.
A: Please read the guide for professors. We have described the basic scenario for using the application especially for you. If you still have questions, please contact the IT support service: support@gsom.spbu.ru
Q: MS Teams does not have a team for my discipline.
A: Please contact IT support: support@gsom.spbu.ru
Q: I don’t know where to see the list of students on the team.
A: Please read the guide for professors. On page 15 you will find the answer to this question.
Q: Teams, channels, open, closed... I'm a little confused how to figure out the concepts?
A: Please read the guide for professors. On pages 10 and 18 you will find the answer to this question.
Q: I successfully teach classes in MS Teams, but I do not know where to see the attendance list for online classes.
A: At the end of the lesson, in the call interface, open the “Participants, parameters” tab (button “...”), select “Download the list of participants”. The Excel file is usually downloaded to the Downloads folder.
Q: How can I create a folder from which students cannot download files?
A: Please leave a request to create a folder with a description of the required settings in the IT support service: support@gsom.spbu.ru or read the guide for professors. On page 43 you will find the answer to this question.
Q: I want the student to show their screen / presentation. Now this option is not available for him. How do I allow a student to share the screen?
A: Please read the guide for professors. On pages 24 and 27 you will find the answer to this question.
Q: How to enable the option of presenting students in "together mode".
A: Please read the instructions. On page 30 you will find the answer to this question. Please note this option is only available in the new meeting interface
Q: How do I enable the new meeting interface?
A: Please read the guide for professors. On page 10 you will find the answer to this question.
Q: Video recording of the lecture is available for download for students. I would like to restrict access.
A: That's right. The video recording of the session is available for download to all meeting participants for 20 days. The IT team is working on setting the restrictions, how the solution will be developed, we will inform you additionally.
Q: I want to create a private channel, but I can't add students.
A: If you have any difficulties in setting up the service, please contact the IT support service: support@gsom.spbu.ru
Q: Everything works fine in MS Teams, but the students can't hear me.
A: If you have any difficulties in setting up the service, please contact the IT support service: support@gsom.spbu.ru
Q: Everything works fine in MS Teams, but when I share video or audio files with students, students see the picture but do not hear the sound.
A: Please read the guide for professors. On page 33 you will find the answer to this question.
Q: I have a lecture with an invited expert (not a GSOM employee), how can I do it?
A: Schedule a meeting using the calendar, not from the team, as usual, and invite the expert and students by mail. The external instructor will receive a mailbox invitation and a direct link to the meeting.
Q: I want to organize teamwork during the class, but I don't know how to do it.
A: Use for this purpose work in open or closed channels. For advice on this issue, please contact IT support: support@gsom.spbu.ru
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