On April 9, 2024, representatives of GSOM St. Petersburg State University — associate professors Yury Blagov and Dmitry Kucherov presented their reports at the section “Theoretical problems of strategic planning” of the XXV All-Russian symposium “Strategic planning and development of enterprises”, held at the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (CEMI RAS ).
On March 13, 2024, Yury Blagov, Director of the CSR Center at GSOM SPbU, as part of a group of experts, took part in the first meeting of corporate volunteers of Sakhalin Energy, held under the slogan "Energy of Good” in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
On February 29, 2024 Director of the CSR Center at GSOM SPbU Yury Blagov took part in two panel sessions of the business program of the “Headliners of ESG Principles” National Award, and also acted as a jury member
On February 13, 2024, Yury Blagov, Director of the CSR Center at GSOM SPbU, took part in an open meeting of the National Council on Corporate Volunteering (NCCV), held at the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.
On December 7, 2023, Yury Blagov, Director of the CSR Center at GSOM SPbU, took part in the Final Conference of the National Competition for Professional Project Management in the Field of Sustainable Development “GPM Awards Russia 2023”, held by the Association of Project Managers “Project Alliance” together with the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation.
At the Mikhailovskaya Dacha campus of GSOM SPbU, the next season of the Club of Financiers from the master’s program “Corporate Finance” (MCF) has started — an open event for everyone interested in the practical aspects of the financial industry.
In November, the third open group began classes in the “Management Essentials: Practical School of Management” program. 21 students from St. Petersburg, Moscow, Orenburg, Chelyabinsk and Dzerzhinsk chose the flagship program of additional online education at GSOM SPbU in order to improve their management competencies.
Tatyana Gavrilova, a professor, head of the Department of Information Technologies in Management of the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University, took 1st place among teachers of St. Petersburg State University in terms of the number of citations in the “Cybernetics” section of the scientific electronic library eLibrary.
Applicants who entered the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University in 2024 for the main educational master's programs "Management" (Master in Management, MiM) and "Corporate Finance" (Master in Corporate Finance, MCF) will be able to study at a reduced price.
The traditional autumn “Applicant Day” of St. Petersburg State University took place on the GSOM SPbU “Mikhailovskaya Dacha” campus.
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