Science is an integral part of the life and work of GSOM SPbU. It is research that helps us to transfer relevant knowledge to our students and listeners and share expertise with partners.
Ontico, an organizer of events for developers and IT company leaders, announced the best lectures of 2022. Among them "Sorry, No Understand": Cognitive Aspects of Knowledge Exchange by Tatiana Gavrilova, Head of the Department of Information Technologies in Management at the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU), Chair of St. Petersburg Division of Russian Association for Artificial Intelligence. She gave the talk at KnowledgeConf, a professional conference on knowledge management
The Russian Science Foundation (RSF) supported the idea of a team of researchers from the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU) to develop digital knowledge maps for educational and research teams (the METAKARTA project).
Positive Changes popular science journal published an article by Yulia Aray, Associate Professor at the Department of Strategic and International Management and Academic Director for Master in Management (MiM) program
Round table "University's Contribution to the Performance and Efficiency of Regional Healthcare Systems" was held at the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU) as part of the International Annual Research Conference Emerging Markets - 2022. The event coincided with the 25th Anniversary of the Presidential Program for the Training of Management Personnel launched in 1997 and participated by GSOM SPbU since then
A team of researchers from the Graduate School of Management St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU) and the HSE Higher School of Economics (Yulia Aray, Anna Levchenko, Anna Veselova, Dmitry Knatko) published an article in the highly rated journal European Management Review on the integration of the principles of closed-loop economy (ElC) in supply chain management
During the conference "Emerging Markets 2022" (EMC) two important events were held, united by the theme of ESG — the panel "ESG agenda for IB studies" and the round table "How climate and ecology affect firms’ strategies and GVCs?". Events were organized by the Center for Russian Multinationals and Global Business at GSOM SPbU.
GSOM SPbU experts have completed the research Sustainable Innovations Through the Lens of Partnership Between Large Corporations and Social Entrepreneurs. The report was supported by Impact Hub Moscow
Emerald Publishing has released the book Diversity in Action: Managing Diverse Talent in a Global Economy edited by Professor Marina Latukha, St. Petersburg state university, Graduate school of management
The Graduate School of Management at St Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU) held a research seminar "Internationalization of Emerging Market Firms and the Role of Government in Financing and Developing Large Cross-Border Infrastructure Projects: New Challenges of Green Economy"
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