Daria Bakalets, an alumna of the bachelor’s program “State and Municipal Management” at GSOM SPbU, spoke at the international conference ICEGOV-2023 in Brazil with the abstracts of the scientific article “Measuring citizens’ readiness to use electronic public services using clustering approach: the case of St. Petersburg.”
The achievements of the Business School receive well-deserved recognition from professionals once again. The expert community EDinity Webinar noted the innovation of digital services of GSOM SPbU.
Corporate educational programs of GSOM SPbU were presented at the Summit of HR Directors of Russia and the CIS in Moscow.
What will be the growth points for the economy and managers of the future? What qualities should a leader in business and government have in the next 10 years? How to teach what in business schools now?
27 employees from 9 regions took part in the program — from the Krasnodar Territory to the Irkutsk Region.
On September 29-30, 2023, Yury Blagov, Director of the Center for Corporate and Social Responsibility at the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University (CSR GSOM SPbU), took part in the third Sustainable Development Summit “Siberian Perspective” organized by Norilsk Nickel together with the National Council on Corporate Volunteering with the support of the Russian ESG Alliance
On September 29–30, Yuri Blagov, Director of the Center for Corporate Social Responsibility at the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU), took part in the third Sustainable Development Summit “Siberian Perspective” organized by Norilsk Nickel together with the National Council on Corporate Volunteering at support of the Russian ESG Alliance.
The Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University was awarded the Grand Prix of the HR Award “Crystal Pyramid - 2023” for the achievements in personnel management and human capital development.
Associate Professor of the Department of Operations Management of the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University (GSOM SPbU) Pavel Sharakhin made a presentation at the 1st Logistics Congress on Supply Chain Transformation organized by the Graduate School of Business of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, the International Academy of Logistics and Supply Chain Management and the Trade Foundation for the Development of Professional Qualifications - Chamber of Industry of the Russian Federation on October 3-4, 2023 in Moscow.
Associate Professor and Director of the Corporate Social Responsibility Center at GSOM SPbU has been named one of the top 5 experts covering the topic of sustainable development and ESG issues in Russia.
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