Round-table discussion "Entrepreneurship in Russia: 15 Years of Research" was held at the Graduate School of Management of Saint Petersburg University as part of the 9th International Emerging Markets Conference - 2022. Experts discussed the factors influencing the development of entrepreneurship in regions and the efficiency of existing educational programs
On October 7, at the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU), as part of the Emerging Markets 2022 Conference, a round table “Entrepreneurship in Russia: 15 years of research” will be held
Young Russians doubt about starting their own business, but those who took a chance don't regret it. This is what the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2021/2022 data shows. In Russia the project is run by GSOM SPbU research team under the financial support from Sber.
The results of the world's largest study of entrepreneurial activity "Global Entrepreneurship Monitor — 2021/2022" (GEM), with participation of entrepreneurs from 50 countries, have been announced. According to the study, 11.7% of the Russian population are entrepreneurs.
On April 8, 2022, the professional retraining program "Leaders of the Future: Strategic Level" of GSOM SPbU for the oil company Rosneftthe was completed with the defense of the final projects.
In Russia, the project is being implemented by the research group of the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU) with the support of Sberbank.
The case of Yulia Aray, Associate Professor of the Department of Strategic and International Management, Academic Director of the Master in Management (MiM) program at the Graduate School of Management of St. San Diego: Cognella, 2021.
On November 8, at Graduate School of Management, Saint Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU) an online executive education School of Manager program was launched. It was developed specially for the Rosneft company.
On June 4, 2021, at the Graduate School of Management St Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU) the “HR-manager as a business partner” corporate training program for Rosneft was completed. 30 HR-managers and 28 subsidiaries of the company took part in the program.
The Associate Professor at the Department of Strategic and International Management of The Graduate School of Management, St Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU), the Manager of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) project in Russia Olga Verkhovskaya took part in the plenary discussion on the “Post-COVID world and Sharing Economy” during the “Woman-Leader 2021” as part of the PIEF business program. The speech was based on the results of the GEM study which in Russia is conducted by GSOM SPbU with the support of Sber.
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