26 February 2016
On February 20-21, 2016 the 3rd International Conference on Entrepreneurship (ICE 2016) took place at University of Tehran, Iran. Shirokova G. V., Professor, Director of Center for Entrepreneurship GSOM SPbU, took part in the conference as a keynote speaker, presenting the results of the research paper “As different as chalk and cheese? The entrepreneurial orientation-performance relationship in SMEs in an emerging and developed economy” written in collaboration with her colleagues: Bogatyreva K., Beliaeva T., Puffer S.
On February 22-23, 2016 the “UNESCO Conference on Rethinking and Foresight in the Iranian Teaching and Learning System, in View of the Rapid Contemporary Global Changes” also took place in Tehran, Iran. The conference was organized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Ministry of Education of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Professor Shirokova G. V. also took part in the conference, presenting the results of the research paper “The Moderating Role of National Culture in the Relationship between University Offerings and Student Start-up Activities: An Embeddedness Perspective” written in collaboration with her colleagues: Tsukanova T.V. and Morris M. (research has been conducted with financial support from Russian Science Foundation grant (Project No. 14-18-01093)).
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