14 June 2016
Research paper by Linda F. Edelman, Tatiana S. Manolova, Galina V. Shirokova and Tatyana V. Tsukanova was published in Journal of Business Venturing* – category A journal (ABS, AJG 2015), included into FT 45 list.
Nowadays University diploma no longer ensures successful employment – global labour market in the field of management is getting more saturated, and business schools are paying more attention to entrepreneurship research and teaching. Entrepreneurship is considered to be an effective tool for young and talented managers’ employment, what generates the need to find out the factors influencing the willingness of young people to start their own business.
The academic paper “The Impact of Family Support on Young Entrepreneurs’ Start-up Activities” (authors – Edelman L., Manolova T., Shirokova G., Tsukanova T.)* published in Journal of Business Venturing** is focused on the family impact on young entrepreneurs’ start-up activity.
We hypothesize that the scope of students’ start-up activities is positively associated with two types of instrumental family support, social (contacts, referrals) and financial capital. Further we argue that the effect of family support is enhanced by the level of emotional support, in the form of family cohesiveness, because parents may encourage the entrepreneurial initiatives of their children.
The study was conducted on students who founded their own businesses in 19 different countries (total number of respondents - more than 12 000 people) and showed that family social capital and emotional support is positively associated with the scope of start-up activities. Family financial support has much more controversial effect on student entrepreneurial process. In the paper a detailed explanation of these findings is provided. Theoretical, practitioner, and public policy implications are discussed.
To learn more about the study read the article, published in the category A Journal of ABS list (AJG 2015) Journal of Business Venturing >>. Journal of business venturing is the leading journal in entrepreneurship. The target audience comprises entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, banker, investors and policy makers. The editor board includes leading international scholars. The 5-Year Impact Factor is 5.305.
We congratulate the authors and wish them further professional achievements!
* This journal is included into the 45 Journals list (FT 45) used by the Financial Times to compile their rank of Business Schools. Also Journal of Business Venturing refers to category A in ABS list (AJG 2015).
** The article has been written under research project “The Antecedents of Students’ Entrepreneurial Activity: an Institutional Approach” conducted with financial support from Russian Science Foundation grant (project No. 14-18-01093). The authors: Galina V. Shirokova (project leader, Professor, Strategic and International Management department, GSOM), Tatyana V. Tsukanova (Assistant Professor, Strategic and International Management department, GSOM), Linda F. Edelman (Professor, Bentley University, USA), Tatiana S. Manolova (Associate Professor, Bentley University, USA)
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