16 February 2017
More than 1,300 school children participated in the preliminary part of the SPbU competition "Contemporary manager". 360 participants completed all tasks of competition, and more than 100 pupils became winners.
Winners are from 34 cities of Russian and CIS countries, including Moscow, Tomsk, Barnaul, Bishkek, Khabarovsk, Vitebsk, Yekaterinburg and others.
The final part of the competition will be held on March 25 at 10.00 in Mikhailovskaya dacha.
In 2016 nearly 1,200 pupils participated in the competition "Contemporary manager", and 95 people became winners of the preliminary part of the competition. Three pupils won the final part, and current 1st year student of GSOM SPbU bachelor program Egor Sapozhnikov was awarded by monthly scholarship. |
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