28 June 2017
S.V. Maslova (Head of the "Center for PPP Studies” GSOM SPBU) took part in 60th jubilee meeting of Russian Association of International Law, which was held June 28-30, 2017 in Moscow.
The meeting was devoted to the theme: "Formation and development of modern international law", and more than 150 RAMP members joined on its site: the most prominent and authoritative scientists of the domestic field of international law, representatives of the Russian Foreign Ministry and international organizations, as well as post-graduate students and international lawyers.
Philippe Boillat (Head of General Directorate of Council of Europe for Human Rights and the Rule of Law) said in his speech that international law is going through difficult times today. According to his opinion, the pressure exerted on international law is due to the volume and complexity of contemporary challenges. However, along with challenges, there are also growing hopes for finding adequate legal answers and solutions, Philippe Boillat said.
The speech given by S.V. Maslova was dedicated to the issues of the study of international legal regulation of PPP in order to achieve the goals of sustainable development, conducted with the financial support of the "Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research" under the project No. 17-03-50134. Professor Maslova has presented arguments that the current state of the international legal framework for PPP does not meet the current challenges of PPP development and the achievement of the LRC. To discuss it, the necessary international legal actions of states and the international community (unification / harmonization) and a list of legal relations subject to international legal regulation within the framework of an international treaty were voiced, as well as the fixing within the framework of a resolution / resolution of an international organization.
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