18 October 2019
On September 14, 2009, the GSOM SPbU won the contest of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and received the right to implement the Healthсare Management professional retraining program as part of the Presidential Program for Management Training for National Economy Organizations of the Russian Federation.
On October 16, 2019, 28 specialists from healthcare organizations representing seven regions of Russia defended graduation certification projects. The authoritative final certification commission headed by V.E. Zholobov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, in the past — First Deputy Chairman of Petersburg Health Committee and Director of the State Healthcare Institution "City Center for Medical Prevention", noted the high level of prepared projects. Projects by V.I. Gorban, Head of Department of anesthesiology and intensive care of the All-Russian Center for Emergency and Radiation Medicine named after A.M. Nikiforova, "The Impact of Digital Transformation of the Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation of the All-Russian Center for Emergency and Radiation Medicine named after A.M. Nikiforova on the quality and cost of treatment" and E.D. Mozgovoy, Deputy Chief Physician of St. Petersburg City Public Health Institution "City Hospital №20", “Creation of the St. Petersburg Center for Hyperbaric Oxygenation and Diving Medicine” were nominated for the competition “The Best Project for the Graduate of the Presidential Program — St. Petersburg 2019”.
To date, GSOM SPbU Healthcare Management program is the only Russian educational program in the field of management and innovations in health care that has international certification of the level of recognized world leaders in this field — programs from Harvard Business School, USA and Duke University, USA.
According to Andrew Y. Ivanov, Academic Director, Executive Education Programmes, Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration at GSOM SPbU, the uniqueness of the program lies in the quality of training, determined by the level of its faculty, consisting of GSOM SPbU professors and attracted specialists from among leaders of leading public and private organizations in St. Petersburg, and the use of modern pedagogical technologies — case studies, trainings, business visits, including to foreign clinics, etc.
Due to the crisis of the Presidential program (the number of students decreased by 2.5 times in the country, and three times in St. Petersburg), the program opened its doors to recruit students on the open market. The waiting list for the next recruitment for Healthcare Management program 2019/2020 includes more than 30 managers representing state and private clinics, production and sale of medicines and medical equipment, medical insurance, and medical education.
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