29 April 2019
On April 25, 2019 Ph.D. student Miroslav Kubelsky has presented the results of her doctoral thesis research on the topic: “Features of the use of conceptual models in strategic decision-making processes”.
Coordinated interaction of scientific and educational institutions and business representatives benefits all participants in the process and is a necessary condition for the development of the state in the knowledge economy era. In his research, Miroslav Kubelsky examines the relationship of semantic technologies in the context of data management and knowledge management practices of an organization in order to reduce costs and improve company performance. The use of semantic technologies and open data sources allows you to build a knowledge map and ensure its updating with minimal costs.
As it well-known, to coordinate the process of mutually beneficial cooperation, it is necessary to create a system interface that would allow getting all the participants of the process up-to-date information on possible options for cooperation, which requires an inventory and updating of knowledge assets held by a scientific and educational institution.
Within the framework of such a discipline as knowledge management, an artifact was created for this task, called the “knowledge map”. The use of this map allows us to describe the tacit knowledge of an individual, be it a teacher, a researcher, a student or a graduate student. The totality of this factor is the human capital of a research and educational organization as well as explicit knowledge contained in a formalized form. The aim of the study by Miroslav is to develop a methodology and design of an information system for building knowledge maps of scientific and educational organizations. Also the possibilities of using them for organizing interaction with industry representatives were demonstrated and discussed.
The research was conducted by Tatiana A. Gavrilova (Doctor of Science (Technics), Professor) and realized under consulting by Candidate of Science (Technics), Associate Professor, Dmitry V. Kudryavtsev. Evgeny Yu. Blagov (Candidate of Science (Economics), Assistant Professor), and Vladimir A. Gorovoy (Candidate of Science (Technics), Senior Lecturer) became discussants during the seminar. Galina V. Shirokova (Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor) moderated the discussion.
Miroslav Kubelsky is 3rd year doctoral student, researcher of the Department of Information Technologies in Management, GSOM SPbU. His research interests cover next topics: enterprise architecture, knowledge management, strategic management, semantic technologies etc. Also Miroslav has published articles on his research in Russian and international peer-reviewed scientific journals (“Vestnik SPbU. Management Series” and “Strategic Change”). Also collective monograph on ontological knowledge graph’ visual development is expected to be published (in collaboration with other department’ researchers).
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