2 July 2019
On July 2, at Sberbank office Olga Verkhovskaya, Associate Professor of the Department of Strategic and International Management and Dmitry Knatko Senior Lecturer of the Department of Strategic and International Management held a seminar “Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: methodology and possibilities of using the data”. It was organized for representatives of the subjects of Russia which support entrepreneurship.
During the seminar, Olga Verkhovskaya and Dmitry Knatko presented the methodology of the study, as well as use cases of the Global Enterpreneurship Monitor (GEM) data in the context of international entrepreneurship development programs.
Olga Verkhovskaya told that during the study 2,000 people in total were interviewed. According to her, the monitoring covers several levels of entrepreneurship: early-stage, well-established and exit from business. “Getting out of business is also a stage of entrepreneurial activity. We consider people who have ceased to be entrepreneurs. This is important because in most countries, those people who have gained entrepreneurial experience can do business again,” explained Associate professor.
According to Olga Verkhovskaya, compared to the last year, the level of early-stage entrepreneurial activity decreased slightly, and in general, since 2008, there has been a positive trend. In addition, over the past 10 years, the fear of failure among businessmen has decreased by 1.5 times, while knowledge and experience increased by 56%. However, in 2018 only every fifth respondent answered that he or she thinks that the conditions are favorable for starting a business.
Speaking about how GEM data is used in different countries, Dmitry Knatko cited the example of Spain, China, Slovenia and Israel. He noted that practitioners applying monitoring data look for information that can help them find answers to social challenges. For example, in China, based on GEM information, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has developed a system for assessing the regional business environment. It also leads specialized projects on national profiles, for example, a study of entrepreneurial activity in Shanghai.
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor is the most influential research project that studies entrepreneurship at the national and global levels. In Russia, since 2006, the project has been implemented by GSOM SPbU research group. In 2018 the researches got the support from Sberbank. The last report was presented by the team on June 4th.
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