3 September 2019
On August, 30-31, GSOM SPbU students participated in the Supply Chain Summer Camp 2019 educational campus, which is organized annually by Gazprom Neft. The event was attended by students from St. Petersburg University, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg University of Economics, Higher School of Economics, Ufa State Petroleum Technical University (USTU) and Murmansk State Technical University (MSTU).
To get to the campus, the applicants had to send a resume, solve an analytical case and a test on the ability to work with numerical and verbal information. 40 people could pass the qualifying round.
The first day began with a tour around Digital Innovation Centre. Employees of the Directorate for Digital Transformation told guests about the use of 3D-modeling, drones, machine vision, VR and AR, as well as wearable devices with IoT functions. Each exhibition area was interactive. Using the VR glasses students learned to identify conflicts and errors during the construction phase of the facility. They also simulated an accident at the factory, checking the operation of the driver’s condition monitoring system and IIoT sensors.
Than participants met Dmitry Potapov, CEO of Gazprom Neft Snabjenie, and listened to the lecture from Evgeny Kozhevnikov, head of the logistics department at Gazprom Neft. The rest of the time, the participants worked on solving the case in teams. Each group was supervised by one of the leaders of the “Purchasing” function of the company.
The second day of the Supply Chain Summer Camp took place on the campus GSOM SPbU Mikhailovskaya Dacha. The speakers were Dmitry Potapov and Evgeny Kozhevnikov. Evgeny Kozhevnikov told about the process of logistics management in the company and presented some projects functions aimed at its optimization.
At the end of the event, the teams presented their projects. The victory was won by the “Orange” team, which proposed building logistics centers near the fields, a railway on support piles and introducing an air transport sharing system. Team was awarded books on modern technology, strategic and creative thinking, and public speaking.
GSOM SPbU student Daria Gaubshait as part of the team "Violet” received a special prize. She will have a business meeting with top managers of Gazprom Neft Snabjenie and the "Purchase" function of Gazprom Neft.
The most active participants of Supply Camp were invited for the job interviews.
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