16 January 2020
The United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference (USASBE) took place on January 3-7, 2020 in New Orleans, Louisiana (USA).
Researchers from GSOM SPbU took part in a presentation at the conference of the paper “Risky business? Integrating Perspectives of Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) as experimentation and advantage to explain firm performance” (by W. Wales (University at Albany-SUNY, USA), O. Osiyevskyy (University of Calgary, Canada), G. Shirokova (GSOM SPbSU, Russia), K. Bogatyreva (GSOM SPbSU, Russia), and P. Kreiser (University of Wyoming, USA)). The paper received the Best Empirical Paper Award at the conference.
Information on the paper:
This research seeks to explain why the metaphor of EO as a ‘double-edged’ sword is necessary by exploring how and why EO is a driver of firm performance growth and variance. In doing so, we examine when, how, and why EO’s two principle components, managerial attitudes toward risk-taking and firm-level entrepreneurial behavior, align with either an EO-as-experimentation or EO-as-advantage perspective as theorized by Wiklund and Shepherd (2011). Moreover, we explore the moderating effect of human capital upon the EO component - firm outcome relationships - to advance our understanding of an essential performance boundary condition.
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