25 May 2020
On May 14-15, 2020 Andrei Panibratov, Professor of Strategic and International Management, and Marina Latukha, Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior and Personnel Management, took part in the 5th Emerging Markets Inspiration Conference (EMIC) “Globalization, business and society in pandemic times ”, organized at the Stockholm University School of Business on the Zoom platform.
The conference was devoted to the changes in the external environment caused by the global epidemic of Covid-19, and the challenges for the international business research. Andrei Panibratov presented the study “Digital health studies: Theory and pandemic implications”. Marina Latukha presented the paper “Online learning under crisis: How not to lose educational advantage in the pandemic times”.
“In the current situation, which has no analogues in world history, many conferences are held online. For the EMIC conference this format made it possible both to make the event happen and to attract top international scholars from various countries (including Yadong Luo, Jeremy Clegg, Rosalie Tung, Klaus Meyer and Jeffrey D. Sachs), whose participation in the conference became possible exclusively in an online format. This experience can be used in Russia, as it allows not only to maintain, but also to accelerate research activities at the level of individual universities and entire countries. For us, it was the first experience of participating in an online conference held at such a high level,” said Andrei Panibratov.
In recognition of the contribution to the development of international business research from Stockholm University, each speaker received a donation certificate on his behalf of a symbolic amount of SEK 100 to the Doctors Without Borders global organization.
As a result of the conference, it is also planned to edit a book to be published in one of the leading international publishing houses.
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