2 June 2020
On May 30, 2020, at the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University (GSOM), the second week-long academic module of the further training program “Healthcare Management”, part of the Training Program for National Economic Organizations of the Russian Federation (Presidential Program), was completed.
The second module of the program, like the first one, was carried out in an online format. During the module, lectures and workshops of GSOM SPbU professors, visiting lecturers and guest lecturers were held. Mikhail N. Sergeyev, Chief Physician of the City Polyclinic nr. 74 of Kronstadt, Vladimir V. Ostromensky, Deputy Chief Physician of the Scandinavia Clinic Network for Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Alexander Amosov, Director of the Department of Organizational Transformation of the International Biotechnological Company BIOCAD, shared their views on the current situation in the healthcare sector during the pandemic. A lecture on marketing these services by Sergey A. Anufriev was held as part of the annual St. Petersburg Medical Forum.
The students formed project teams and chose their topic for certification projects, a preliminary presentation of which will take place during the third module of the program on June 22-27.
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