16 June 2020
The Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU) together with SIBUR will conduct an online hackathon for students of SPbU on the development of logistics solutions for business. The best students will receive an invitation for an online internship at SIBUR.
Team registration was available until June 19, 2020. To participate in the hackathon, students of St. Petersburg University needed to assemble an interdisciplinary team of three participants, at least one of which should represent one of the mathematical areas of study, such as: Business Informatics, Mathematics, Algorithms and Data Analyse, Applied Mathematics and Informatics, etc. Organizers will assist individual participants in the formation of their teams.
Student teams will have to develop and present effective logistics solutions for business based on internal analytics of SIBUR, a leader in the petrochemical industry in Russia and Eastern Europe.
The first stage of the hackathon "Development of a visual solution prototype" was held on June 20. In an online format, teams were required to solve a logistical problem under the mentorship of. SIBUR managers. The team with the best results will be selected to participate in the second stage.
These teams will then have the opportunity to refine their solutions to qualify for the minimum viable product (MVP) level. In the hackathon final on June 27, SIBUR Company management will choose the winner.
The hackathon will allow participants to put into practice the knowledge and skills gained during their education, as well as to compete for the opportunity to get an online internship at SIBUR, which occupies the first place in the ranking of Russian employers.
Attracting students to solve real corporate problems with subsequent recruitment of such talent is a well-known best practice of foreign companies, which has now been adapted by St. Petersburg University and SIBUR within the framework of this competition. The participating companies, for whom the solution has been designed, along with Sibur employees who have been trained at the INSEAD corporate program, are thus actively involved in attracting and developing talented youth for starting positions at SIBUR.
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