2 July 2020
On June 30 Students of the <5G_Dream_Lab> laboratory, a joint project of the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University (GSOM SPbU) and MegaFon, presented the results of their work for the year as part of the final defense of the projects. Among the decisions submitted to the jury were development using virtual and augmented reality technologies to improve the urban environment, the organization of online events, and on conducting interviews.
Among the presented solutions there were an Augmented Reality (AR) application for excursions to Raskolnikov’s places, an automated medical base that can be used in telemedicine, a Speech Virtual Reality (VR) performance simulator, 360VR event service, etc. The best products based on the results of the defense will be implemented with the support of MegaFon, and the best students will have an offer for an internship or job.
The work of the <5G_Dream_Lab> laboratory was begun in September 2019. Of the 412 participants in the first online module, 60 students were selected. They continued full-time study and project work in seven cross-functional teams. During the year, teams involving students from various fields of St. Petersburg State University developed an MVP (minimum viable product) using 5G technologies.
The <5G_Dream_Lab> is a vivid example of how GSOM SPbU serves as a meeting point for business, science, advanced technologies and talented students of managerial and technical specialisations. It is in such multidisciplinary teams that breakthrough ideas are born. We would like to thank our partner, MegaFon, for their contribution to the implementation of the laboratory,” said Olga K. Dergunova, Deputy President and Chairman of the Management Board of VTB Bank, and Director of the Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University.
In the laboratory, students learn the skills of developers and integrators of digital products based on breakthrough technological solutions, in particular, creating and managing a product, budgeting and adapting to customer needs.
“It is very important for us that alumni of St. Petersburg State University have competencies that will help them build a successful career in the future, and, of course, in order to train such sought-after specialists, we must respond to the challenges of the modern world and the digital economy in time,” noted the first Vice-rector for Educational and Methodical Work of St. Petersburg State University Marina Lavrikova. “The 5G laboratory is a place where students can learn how to solve real practical problems that today's business faces, thereby greatly increasing their value on the labor market.”
“Currently, more than 70 operators have launched fifth-generation networks worldwide, with about 20 of them already operating during the pandemic. This indicates that 5G is the future of telecom. MegaFon also believes in the enormous perspectives that 5G technology offers. That is why our company is constantly taking steps to develop projects based on fifth-generation networks in Russia. <5G_Dream_Lab> is one of MegaFon's future-oriented projects and a completely new format for interacting with universities. And we are pleased that even in the difficult conditions of the transition to distance learning, the laboratory was able to prepare the first group of students,” commented Valentina Vatrak, Director of Corporate Development and Human Resources at MegaFon. “The defense of the projects showed that the market has now received qualified specialists with digital competencies, focused on solving real business problems. They will be able to contribute to both the development of fifth-generation networks and the digitalization of the Russian economy as a whole.”
Egor Vernyaev, third-year Bachelor student of GSOM
I decided to go through the selection at the <5g_dream_lab> with the aim of improving my professional skills and knowledge in marketing and IT. The laboratory allows participants to develop specifically in these two areas. At the moment, I am developing in the profession of product manager. We are learning to bring the project from a nascent startup to a long-term profitable business. So we must embrace the whole process of product management: from testing hypotheses and conducting research and interviews with consumers, to the end-to-end analytics of an existing product.
Sergey Minaev, third-year student Bachelor student of GSOM
At the beginning of the third year, I decided that I want to be more involved in the field of marketing. So I applied for the <5g_dream_lab>. The laboratory gives you the opportunity to develop professionally, gain new knowledge, as well as prove yourself and possibly win a place among the employees of MegaFon.
Oleg Kuldyshev, third-year student of the Department of Mathematics and Mechanics in the field of "Software and administration of information systems"
The laboratory gives students the chance to try themselves in a new business, with the support of one of the largest mobile communication companies in Russia, MegaFon and people who know what projects and business are, and who can talk about various subtleties and pitfalls.
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