2 July 2020
On June 27, 2020, at the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University, the third module of the further education program Healthcare Management, implemented as part of the Academic Program for National Economy Organizations of the Russian Federation (the Presidential Program), has been completed.
The third module of the program, like the two previous ones, was implemented in an online format. As part of the module, the first preliminary presentation of attestation projects of the students took place. Projects developed under the program are devoted to the formation of the strategies of healthcare organizations and their structural units, the improvement of business processes and the development of regional healthcare systems.
Since program participants presented their projects to commissions formed by both GSOM SPbU representatives and industry experts, the usual round table was organized before the presentation of projects on a topic relevant to students. This year, the theme was “Managing a healthcare organization in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic.”
As part of the round table, the regulatory aspects of the work of medical organizations during the period of the threat of the spread of COVID-19 (Redko K.G.), the practice of medical organizations during the epidemic (Federal State Budgetary Institution of Emergency Medicine of the Russian A.M. Nikiforov Academy of Medical Sciences, EMERCOM of Russia (Bakhtin M. Yu.), the Medical Center “XXI Century” (Nazarov A.S.), the clinic “Our Care” (Mikhaylik G.V.), LLC “Tentanda Via” (Mnatsakanyan E.A.), the St. Petersburg State Healthcare Institution “City Polyclinic No. 74 "(Sergeev M.N.). A.V. Solonin, General Director of the Association of Private Clinics in St. Petersburg, summarized the mechanisms of interaction between private clinics and the healthcare system as a whole under COVID-19.
Participants of the program A.N. Chomsky and E.D. Gershfeld took a part in the round table discussion. They shared their clinical experience with psychiatric and oncological patients during a pandemic. Regional experience in countering the epidemic was presented by the Head Physician of the Vologda Central District Hospital V.S. Vopilov.
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