24 September 2020
Professor of Strategic and International Management, Chair of the Scientific Committee of the Graduate School of Management at St. Petersburg State University (GSOM SPbU) Andrei Panibratov, in co-authorship with two professors from the United States, published an article "The Effect of Interpersonal Political Embeddedness on Firm Internationalization Scope" in the British Journal of Management.
Authors have analyzed 285 firms and investigated the political experience of top managers of Russian companies. Important finding is that the development of interpersonal political ties at the level of firm’ CEOs increases the impact of politics on the strategy choice while entering foreign markets.
“Politicians are generally interested in investing domestically, so their increased influence at the company level leads to a reduction in the share of foreign direct investment. An exception is investment in countries with which the country of firm’ origin actively cooperates; in this case, the volume of investment is reduced slightly. Interpersonal political connections can also reduce the motivation and ability of a company to develop a political risk management system. Therefore, the growth of political risks in foreign markets leads to an additional reduction in strategies based on foreign direct investment, replacing them with export operations,” explained Andrei Panibratov.
The British Journal of Management publishes interdisciplinary articles as well as empirical research within traditional and management disciplines. The journal's five-year impact factor is 4.37. The journal is ranked A-level (4 stars) according to the ABS list the Association of Business Schools (ABS) Top Journals list.
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