14 October 2020
The Center for Entrepreneurship of the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University (GSOM SPbU) has launched a pilot online course, School of Tracking. Participants will use the tools of professional support for student projects of the laboratory <5G_DREAM_LAB>.
At the first stage, students of the School of Tracking will master the theory: they will learn to diagnose projects, ask the right questions and accompany the founders of businesses in the process of achieving their goals. They will apply these skills to the projects of the laboratory <5G_DREAM_LAB>. The course developers are Anastasia Laskovaya, Assistant Professor at the Department of Strategic and International Management, Researcher at the Center for Entrepreneurship of the GSOM SPbU, and Rostislav Speransky, Head of the <5G_DREAM_LAB> laboratory.
“The tracker is a versatile specialist who helps companies and startups to solve pressing growth problems. He knows how to achieve this goal with minimal cost, using knowledge from the theory and practice of business, marketing and working with a product. The tracker focuses the business founder on the current goal of the company / project, helps to identify bottlenecks and ways to eliminate them, and then accompanies the founder in the process of achieving this goal using tracking techniques, ” said Anastasia Laskovaya.
The first group of the pilot course included students and alumni of GSOM SPbU. This versatile team will help the developers to adjust the further development of the program.
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