9 November 2020
The scientific project of Svetlana Maslova, Head of the Center for Public-Private Partnership Research Laboratory, Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU), received funding from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) following the results of the competition. The topic of the research is "Problems of legal regulation of public-private partnership in Russian legal research before and after the adoption of the Federal Law on Public-Private Partnership."
The subject of the review will be scientific publications of Russian legal scholars on the key issues of PPP legal regulation. Its purpose is to combine and summarize the results of these studies, shed light on a general description and systematize scientific approaches to the problems of PPP regulation that they address. At the same time, their analysis and systematization will be carried out in the light of the Federal law on PPP adopted in 2015, which has become a kind of "watershed", a factor that has set the direction of scientific and legal discourse in the field of PPP.
Viktor. Eremin, a graduate of the “Master in Public Management program” at GSOM SPBU, and now a postgraduate student, researcher at the Law department of SPBU, is also a participant in the research project.
The Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) conducts a competitive selection of scientific projects for the organizational and financial support of projects, which make it possible to form research potential. This year, 6124 applications were submitted for the Expansion 2020 competition. According to the results of the examination, 500 projects received financial support.
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