2 November 2020
Associate Professor of the Department of Strategic and International Management of the Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University (GSOM SPbU), Director of the PwC Center for Corporate Social Responsibility joined the Advisory Board of the NBS Sustainability Centers Community.
Network for Business Sustainability (NBS) is one of the leading global associations in the field of corporate social responsibility and sustainability, with a current presence of over 33,000 business leaders, researchers and students from all over the world. The institutional foundation of the association is a research centers community, which includes more than 170 centers and institutes conducting research, teaching and expert activities. Among them are the centers of the global leaders in management education, including centers from the Harvard Business School, USA the Sloan School of Management (MIT), USA, the Rotman School of Management, Canada, the Yale School of Management, USA, the Fuqua School of Business, USA, the Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria, the INSEAD Business School, France, and the Bocconi University, Italy.
The Advisory Board consists of 10 individuals, representing a diverse set of centers. The role of the Advisory board includes offering insights or advice on strategic and operational issues, recommending initiatives and actions, advocating and encouraging to become involved.
PwC Center for CSR at GSOM SPbU has been actively cooperating with NBS since 2014.
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