28 December 2020
In December, the Coaching Center of the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University (GSOM SPbU) launched four courses for Business School students and alumni. Among them there are courses on personality management, design thinking, mindfulness and coaching skills.
“The idea of the Coaching Center is not to tell you “how to live” or to offer some simple or complex tools that will change everything, but to help students find their “real self ”, to realize their individual strengths, to be able to use them and build your professional life. Such “acquaintance with oneself” will make you feel more stable both in your career and in life,” said Maria Dorokhina, Director of the Coaching Center.
Among the implemented programs:
In January, the participants of the Mindfullness course of Ksenia Kolesnikova will continue to practice the skills of mindfulness, which give greater resilience in an unstable world and self-confidence. The course will help students to cope with stress and multitasking, to come to a state of balance.
“The mindfulness approach is one of the most effective tools for reducing stress and increasing the level of awareness: it helps participants to understand themselves better and their feelings, get acquainted with the tools of emotional stability, teaches the skills of concentration and mindful behavior. The main part of the requests of the course participants is work with the emotional state,” - said the course expert Ksenia Kolesnikova.
In early 2021, senior students and alumni will continue their education in the Go for Coaching program. At the beginning of the spring semester, students who have successfully completed the first stage of the program will begin working with first and second year undergraduate students as coaches.
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