19 April 2021
The Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University (GSOM SPbSU) became the first Russian business school to receive institutional membership in the Academy of International Business (AIB).
GSOM SPbU professors and PhD students regularly take part in the annual AIB conferences. A number of articles presented at the AIB have been published in leading international journals and recognized as high-level research. In particular, in 2019, an article co-authored by Andrei Panibratov, Professor of Strategic and International Management of the Business School, Director, Center of Russian Multinational Enterprises and International Business Strategies, was nominated for the best paper award presented at the annual conference. GSOM researchers have participated in the Academy's events for years, and institutional membership will allow the business school to become even more recognizable in the world academic community.
The AIB brings together over 3,000 international business researchers and is the most prestigious and influential academic community in the field. Official participation in the association implies access to the most influential modern journals on international business, participation in conferences and other events organized by the Academy.
AIB was founded in 1959 by a group of like-minded researchers with the aim of forming the fundamental base of science in the field of international business. Today the organization has its own code of ethics. “As a professional organization with the pursuit of knowledge and education as its primary aims, AIB must ensure trust and confidence in its membership through self-regulation that is consistent with scientific integrity and universally recognized ethical norms,” reads the official website of the Academy.
GSOM SPbU is currently an institutional member of a number of international associations, which include the world's leading business schools and business representatives — AACSB, ABIS, AIB, AMBA, EBSLG, EFMD, GMAC, PRME, WACRA, etc.
In Russia, GSOM SPbU is represented in the most important specialized professional associations, including the Association of Managers, the Russian Association of Business Education (RABO), and the St. Petersburg International Business Association (SPIBA).
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