12 May 2021
The research was carried out as part of a grant from St. Petersburg University (ID: 45285590). The team of the Center for Entrepreneurship of the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU) analyzed the psychological traits and cognitive states of individuals that can influence their willingness to get involved in entrepreneurial activities, as well as the logic of decision-making in the business management process.
In particular, the controversial aspects of the personality were considered, which traditionally have been interpreted in negative connotations, but at the same time are capable of being useful in the context of entrepreneurial activity. Thus, the study showed the significant role of the individual traits of the "dark triad" (narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy) of personality in the formation of entrepreneurial intentions. In addition, the relationship between the "entrepreneurial passion" of the leaders of existing businesses, their behavioral logic (effectuations), previous entrepreneurial experience and the performance of firms was studied.
The results of this research work were presented at the international conferences GSOMEmerging Markets Conference 2020 and 2021 ACERE Conference. The publications, prepared as part of the project, are being reviewed in journals of the ABS ranking, as well as the list approved by the Academic Council of GSOM SPbU.
“The project aimed to emphasize the importance of the personality of an entrepreneur at different stages of business development. Despite the completion of the main cycle of work, the research team of the Center for Entrepreneurship will continue research in this area. In particular, now, together with partners from the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (Stuttgart, Germany), we are launching a data collection to study the personal characteristics of leaders of small and medium-sized businesses,” said Karina Bogatyreva, Project Manager, Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship at GSOM SPbU.
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