10 June 2021
Associate Professor at the Department of Strategic and International Management and Academic Advisor of the Master in Management program in GSOM SPbU Yulia Aray made a speech at the OSIRIS international educational program and will be the expert at the Demo day, where the program participants will present the results of their work. The program is for the entrepreneurs of the “silver economy” sphere.
“More and more social entrepreneurs are starting to work with older people as the main stakeholder in their organizations. They create special products for them, for example, health monitoring devices; launch services targeted at this generation, such as nursing homes, financial literacy courses. More than that, social entrepreneurship projects are emerging, where older people become employees or suppliers of goods or services, for example, the production of wool products by elderly people. The Orientation of business to older people should become an important element in the development of the sphere of social entrepreneurship, because in many countries we are observing the accelerating trend of population aging. The international OSIRIS program is aimed at helping social entrepreneurs develop projects and programs for the elderly. As part of the program, I gave two master classes on business models in social entrepreneurship. I hope that the participants will be able to successfully apply the knowledge gained in the implementation of their projects and defend them in front of the international jury” - she mentioned.
The innovative program consists of two stages: a regional incubation program for beginning entrepreneurs and an international acceleration program for the businesses that are at the further (later) stages. Seven Russian teams took part in the incubation program. The training program included various workshops and mentoring sessions with experts.
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