29 June 2021
Academic Director of the Master in Management program at the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU), coordinator of projects in the field of social entrepreneurship of the Center for CSR named after PricewaterhouseCoopers Yulia Aray moderated the session Inclusion in Society. Law on quotas as a part of the Interregional meeting of social entrepreneurs, dedicated to the international day of social business.
The theme of the event, which took place on June 25-28, 2021, was Social Entrepreneurship — a Territory of Opportunities 2021. Drivers of Social Business Development. The participants of the three-day meeting were offered various formats of communication and exchange of experience: business games, mini-conferences, Public Talk, lectures, and a case pitch.
Yulia Aray spoke as a presenter of the session Inclusion in society. Law on quotas, which took place on 28 June. This mini-conference was devoted to the problems of interaction between big business and small and social on the issues of employment and education of "enclaves" on the basis of the social business of people with disabilities and the specifics of their participation in the open labor market.
“In my opinion, the topics discussed at the mini-conference in our city, as in other regions of the Russian Federation, there is a law On job quotas for the employment of people with disabilities in St. Petersburg, which is aimed at expanding opportunities for people with disabilities through the creation of jobs at enterprises with more than 100 people. Social entrepreneurship can become a worthy, competitive partner for large businesses in the framework of the implementation of obligations under this law. It is social entrepreneurs who are able to provide individual, targeted support to these categories of citizens in the framework of training, development of professional skills, adaptation to work, as well as prepare them to enter the open labor market and employment in a company in positions that are not necessarily intended for people with disabilities", — Yulia Aray emphasized following the results of the event.
The session was attended by the head of the department of employment of citizens with special needs of the Committee on Labor and Employment of the Population of St. Petersburg Irina Kuznetsova, General Director of LLC "Center Rabota-i" (employment of graduates of orphanages and young people with disabilities) Ilya Smetanin, as well as other specialists-employees of this enterprise; expert from the "Diakonia" Charity Fund Alexander Voronov.
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