4 August 2021
Evgeny Blagov, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Information Technologies in Management, Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU), took part in the educational intensive "Archipelago 2121" as a research and methodological advisor of the "Team Thinking Laboratory".
Participants of the "Team Thinking Laboratory" in the course of business games with subsequent reflection tested a number of hypotheses about the connection of individual cognitive styles with team roles in interdisciplinary project teams, analyzed the management of teams of their own technology projects.
"Successful teamwork, a key component of the startup development, requires not only horizontal functional and vertical hierarchical labour division, but also informal team roles distribution. Participants of the Laboratory did run diagnostics of their teams and develop team roles optimal configuration, that will inevitably help them in further development of their projects", — Evgeny Blagov, Senior Lecturer of the Information Technologies in Management department of the GSOM SPbU.
The event took place on July 28 and 29, 2021 during the second stage of the project and educational intensive for technological startups "Archipelago 2121". The intensive was organized by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, "University 20.35", "NTI Platform" and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation together with the government of the Novgorod region.
Intensive topics: logistics of things, people and ideas; life-changing technological solutions; the future of science cities and familiar educational institutions (school, university, corporation) — how can we make the social sphere more human thanks to technology? The organizers announced that 5000 individual participants, 1000 teams, 850 representatives of regions, cities and universities, more than 100 industrial customers and 100 leading experts participated in the 2121 Archipelago. |
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